Translating multilingual texts

Translating multilingual texts
Another PhD defence in just under two months! A number of doctoral candidates of the English Department are now finishing their research projects. On 24 January, it was Laura Ekberg’s big day. Laura’s research topic combines translation studies and literature and focuses on a phenomenon also studied in linguistics. As it happens, code-switching was at ...

Trextuality – at the intersection of textual scholarship and translation studies

Trextuality – at the intersection of textual scholarship and translation studies
The XII annual colloquium of Variantti, the Finnish network of researchers working on textual scholarship and scholarly editing, was held on Friday, 4 October 2019, at the University of Turku to foster interdisciplinarity between textual scholarship and translation studies.The theme trextuality encompassed textuality, transmission and translation, concepts central in both fields. In translation studies, trextuality ...

Introducing our latest permanent staff member: Q&A with Maarit Koponen

Introducing our latest permanent staff member: Q&A with Maarit Koponen
Maarit Koponen visiting the Kennedy Space Center. 1. Tell us a little bit of who you are. I am a university lecturer of English, researcher of translation technology, a former professional translator, and a fan of both historical dramas and science fiction. I have an MA in English Philology and a PhD in Language Technology, ...

Shakespeare 400 in Turku

Shakespeare 400 in Turku
Last week, our department – along with the rest of the world – celebrated Shakespeare as Saturday April 23rd marked the 400th anniversary of the Bard of Avon’s death. Why death, you ask? Well, because we do not know his exact day of birth, and in order to celebrate, we need a date! So, a ...

Seven Wonders of the Frankfurt Book Fair

Seven Wonders of the Frankfurt Book Fair
Have you ever considered how brain waves can be transferred into poetry? Don’t worry. The Helsinki-based Brains on Art collective has solved the problem for us. With the help of a tinfoil hat – i.e. a sensor helmet – and computer magic, brain waves create poems. This is first of the wonders I found in ...