About the project

Pluri◦Deutsch is a project of German teachers at Finnish universities with the aim of promoting the development of plurilingual courses.

In Finland German is an important language and is usually learned after English and Swedish, which is the second national language. University students at Finnish universities are multilingual, usually have knowledge of three to ten languages (on different language levels) (Huhtala, Kursiša & Vesalainen 2018, Kursisa in prep.). This is why teaching and learning German needs to make use of plurilingual approaches, especially because German is often used in work life together with English and Swedisch. The plurilingual skills do not arise by of the knowledge of multiple languages alone. Plurilingual strategy instruction and a long-term practice is necessary to develop the plurilingual communication competence. Students confirm the need for plurilingual skills in professional life and they expect appropriate learning opportunities during university studies.

Project duration: September 2018 to 2020

Funding: DAAD Bonn and Emil Öhmann foundation Helsinki