The DaGoB -project is divided into four work packages

The DaGoB -project is divided into four work packages

WP 1 (leader: Turku School of Economics, lead partner)
produces a survey of dangerous goods flows in the Baltic Sea Region and provides an overview of related incidents and accidents in the region. WP 1 also analyses and discusses key problems on selected cases and offers recommendations for remedial actions.

WP 2 (leader: Swedish Rescue Services Agency)
gives an overview of authorities dealing with dangerous goods and identifies their roles and responsibilities. It also provides information on co-operation between authorities on a national and international level through specific case scenarios.

WP 3 (leader: TuTech Innovation GmbH, Hamburg)
establishes the DaGoB Action Plan based on a synthesis of recommendations from WP1 and public sector practices from WP2. A road map will be created introducing key development areas including prevention of health hazards, damage prevention, training, supply chain security, environmental issues and competitiveness of BSR industries working with dangerous goods.

WP 4 (leader: University College of BorĂ¥s)
disseminates and transfers the knowledge gained from the project on local, regional, national and international level using the already existing organisations.
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