
A bottom-up approach to develop an Innovation District model

The Origin, the introduction of the Innovation District concept has been the result of a conscious search by local policymakers. Two international models (from Boston & Barcelona) were considered as the inspiration to develop the Medellín ID (MID).

The Carriers, a local team supported by two teams including international partners, scholars, and consultants. The supporting teams originated from the municipality of Barcelona and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

– The Landing of an Innovation District –

Following a violent past and a myriad of social and economical problems, the city has recently been awarded the title of  ”most innovative city” in Latin America. This partly due to their emblematic ‘social urbanism’ projects in low-income neighborhoods. These projects include library parks and alternative urban mass-transportation like the Metrocable and neighborhood escalators. The Medellín Innovation District is taken by its main stakeholders as an opportunity in the same social inclusive direction.

The Translation of the original concept to fit the city’s needs aims to bridge a major cultural and socioeconomic gap in the city. That between the existing Business and Innovation Community and the urban environment as a whole. That gap is also visible in the area designated for the forthcoming Innovation District, where the growing community of local and international entrepreneurs and innovators meet the low-income community inhabiting the neighborhood.

The Legitimization is in the case of Medellín geared to find the support of all social segments. In one hand, complementing existing social programs for urban economic, social and environmental development. On the other hand, introducing a broader approach to innovative change, attractive to national and foreign investments.

The Implementation of the Medellín Innovation District plan is ongoing.