The ICZM plan draft for Läänemaa case area has been published on 9 March, 2018 in the website of Estonian University of Life Sciences. Läänemaa case area reaches from Hara peninsula to Ristinina peninsula. Area is located mainly in Lääne-Nigula municipality, but northwest part of Lääne-Harju municipality (Keibu village) is also involved.
In the context of SustainBaltic project a zonation created for Läänemaa case area which covers the marine and coastal zones. Marine zones (= shallow waters i.e. 300 m from the shoreline to 3 km towards the sea) include 1) The general use and 2) The targeted management (see the methods of the Marine Spatial Planning). Coastal zones (=from the coastline 3 km towards the inland and 300 m towards the sea) include 1) Harbour and industrial; 2) Residential development; 3) Traditional residential; 4) Agricultural; 5) Tourism development; 6) Recreation; and 7) Nature areas.
Public assessment
A web map application has been created to present the zonation and to collect the data from people. In this web map application people can make suggestions to change the borders or targets of zones and add valuable spatial data (e.g. information about closed roads, fishing areas etc).
The information about zonation and public discussion about zonation has been published in local newspapers Lääne Elu (March 2018) and Lääne-Nigula municipality newspaper (April 2018), in Läänemaa County news portal Läänlane and in Noarootsi municipality’s Facebook site in addition to the posters that were placed to public areas in Läänemaa case area.
The public discussion meeting about zonation and ICZM report will be held on the 20th of April, 2018 at 14-17 in Pürksi Cultural house. The stakeholders, local entrepreneurs and municipality officers and all local people are invited. The suggestions made by ICZM plan are indicative and local municipalities can utilise the ICZM plan in their planning processes. All the collected feedback will be reflected into the finalisation of the ICZM draft which will be published in the mid-November, 2018, near the end of SustainBaltic project.