The First U2 Zero Carbon Launch Event - Presentations and Way Forward

Today we had the first U2 Zero Carbon Launch Event. Thank you for the enlightening presentations to our speakers and thank you for the participants for the relevant questions and encouraging discussions based on those questions. I am sure, we could not agree more that we are on the right track with our U2 Zero Carbon Initiative and our aim to gather our researchers and openly co-develop solutions for climate change together with the Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC) and other partners.
As we heard today, open research and open innovation is the way forward when it comes to global challenges. Therefore, we will have the second U2 Zero Carbon Launch Event which takes place on the 16th of May. We will then continue this joint project and co-create and innovate novel approaches openly. Please, find the event program attached. The registration for the second event is open until May 13. If you have not yet registered and want to take part, registrations are warmly welcomed. Please register HERE. You may also spread the word and ask your colleagues to join as well!
Today’s presentations are attached and available via UTU Seafile, too: Also the participants of the second launch event, feel free to take a closer view.
Additionally, if you have not yet find the time to answer the U2 Zero Carbon survey, you still have four days to do that (dl May 7). Respond to the survey in Finnish / or in English
U2 Zero Carbon organizing team