About Docturne

Docturne shortly

Docturne (registered association) is an independent association for all doctoral researchers in the Faculty of Education in the University of Turku. Docturne focuses on promoting the interest of the doctoral researchers of the faculty, as well as aims to enhance the communality and equality of the doctoral researchers in the faculty. As an inclusive and multicultural association, Docturne was established to represent all the doctoral researchers across language backgrounds, cultures, departments and types of employment.

The values of Docturne


Docturne aims to support the communality of all doctoral researchers of the Faculty of Education. Nobody should feel left alone, so Docturne aims to offer peer support and social contacts to doctoral researchers throughout their studies.


A key theme in the work Docturne does is promoting the equality of all doctoral researchers of the Faculty of Education. Our goal is to promote the interest of doctoral researchers among the other groups of students and/or staff in the faculty. We work towards bringing up the issues doctoral researchers face during their studies and creating good practices in dealing with the issues together with the faculty and other collaborators.


The main principle behind the founding of Docturne was inclusiveness. This means that the association is meant for all doctoral researchers in the Faculty of Education. As an inclusive and multicultural association, Docturne was established to represent all the doctoral researchers across language backgrounds, cultures, departments and types of employment. We welcome doctoral researchers from the Turku campus as well as our Rauma campus to join!