What is PYY?
Publicumin yhteiskuntatieteellinen ympäristöseminaari PYY (PYY seminar on environmental and social sciences) is a new seminar series focusing on environmental and social sciences.
How can societies reach sustainable ways of living? How to tackle environmental issues in a way that ensures or increases human wellbeing, brings about ‘just transition’ and does not worsen existing inequalities? What motivates people and politicians to pursue sustainability and change their behaviour? The required changes will also require a new look on old theories of culture and cultural change, human needs and wellbeing, and force us to reconsider normative and ethical questions from environmental philosophy. The series will include both empirical and theoretical work on these topics.
The goal for the seminar is to bring together researchers of all career stages, at Publicum and elsewhere, who are interested in the aforementioned themes. We hope to provide opportunities to present ongoing work, gain feedback, and get to know and network with like-minded colleagues.
We started the seminar series in the fall of 2024. For spring 2025, we have five presentations coming up which we will announce on this page.
The PYY seminars follow a traditional format of paper presentations of 45 minutes (max. 30mins of presentation + 15mins Q&A). The meetings are held physically at Publicum without a remote option.
If you wish to stay in the loop and get reminders and up-to-date information, please contact Sami Mustikkamaa (sapemu@utu.fi).
Researchers and students in all career stages are warmly welcome!
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