Author Archives: rsmval

What is an Institute of Advanced Study for?

Christiaan De Beukelaer University of Melbourne & Durham University On Friday the 18th of November 2022, I attended a seminar on the research legacies of Ash Amin, at the University of Durham. Amin, who recently retired from the University of … Continue reading

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On careers – in music and academia

Simon Frith Visiting professor, TIAS Emeritus Professor of Music at University of Edinburgh   When an old cricketer leaves the crease Well you never know whether he’s gone. (Roy Harper 1975) Martin Cloonan sent me a link this morning to … Continue reading

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Pandemic Screenings: The Covid-19 pandemic and the digital screen

 The Covid-19 pandemic elevated digital screens to the core of everyday life. Screens can be found everywhere, including museums and galleries, stock exchanges, train stations, aeroplane seats, banks, food courts, record stores, gas stations, office desks and in the palm … Continue reading

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Constitutionalism and democracy in the EU

In my research project, I aim to analyse the phenomenon of constitutionalism beyond the State and more specifically the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy. European constitutionalism is employed here as an example. The idea is to explore the concept of … Continue reading

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Healing the world, one book at a time

A book can be a lifeline. It can bring hope, comfort, or respite from reality. Stories make time go by faster; they can transport the reader to a different, more hopeful, place and time. Since the summer of 2021, holding … Continue reading

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Saako evoluutionäkökulman yhdistää kielenmuutokseen?

Halusin nuorna tyttönä elää keskiajalla. Hoitaa eläimiä ja elää metsästä. Sittemmin tajusin, että mielikuva ihmisen ja luonnon harmonisesta suhteesta oli vahvasti liioiteltu ja että ihmisillä oli tapana kuolla nuorena ja sairaina. Päädyin vain tutkimaan menneisyyttä. Otin akateemista vauhtia ekologisesta lajiutumisesta, … Continue reading

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Huomioita puuriveistä

Puut ovat kasvaneet yhä suoremmin sekä metsissä että runoudessa 1970-luvulta alkaen. En ole suomalaisen luontorunouden tutkijana tästä yllättynyt. Tein pitkään töitä linturunouden parissa ja totuin DDT:n myrkyttämiin, pesäpuunsa menettäneisiin ja kaupungistuneisiin lintuihin. Bongasin runoudesta muutaman rengastetunkin linnun ja opin näkemään, … Continue reading

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Interdisciplinary Research and Institutes for Advanced Studies – a perspective

“All knowledge begins with a question” Neil Postman  Today’s world is increasingly facing complex challenges, from Climate Change to Covid-19, and beyond. Historically, interdisciplinary research has served as an approach (not an end) to a problem that cannot be fully … Continue reading

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A Pessimist in the Academia

I am a bit of a pessimist. It is not that I do not believe things will work out in the end, it is just that I do not think they are likely to work out for the best. Presumably, … Continue reading

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The frustrating and very human combination of family and research

When writing this, my child is having a cold. Again. Once again, cancelled meetings. Again, a time reserved for concentrated reading and data collection is interrupted by wiping a runny nose and pleas to put Peppa Pig on. Peppa Pig … Continue reading

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