Bayer – September 20, 2019


Bayer in Turku.

2.  SEMINAR’s focus

The interaction with digital assets in clean rooms


Do you know how the interaction with digital assets in clean rooms takes place? If you do not know, we invite you to join our next seminar where Bayer Turku will explain how they are currently operating in clean rooms. Pharmaceutical manufacturing is typically being executed in various clean rooms which have different classifications depending on the manufactured product and the related process. As a whole the pharmaceutical manufacturing is strictly regulated and several requirements are needed to be fulfilled in order to be compliant. These apply also for clean rooms.

Currently a question is: how to revolutionize the interaction taking place at the clean rooms with the various digital assets (such as information screens, computers, machine panels, etc.)? Because today is the time to create our future, we invite you to create the future interactions toward digital assets in clean rooms, how do you imagine they might be? Through speech? Or through body movements? Through our thoughts? What type of technologies would you involve in these spaces to increase productivity and security?

The goal of our following seminar session is to conceptualize together the interaction toward digital assets in clean rooms. We will team up Bayer. They will specify the requirements and constrains of the clean room environment. With them and with the knowledge you are acquiring at University we aim to start to conceptualize the future together.

4. DAY and TIME:

This seminar is held on Friday 20.9.  from 12hrs to 16hrs.

In the session there will be coffee served, so please confirm your presence by enrolling on point 6.


The room for the session is at the department of Future Technologies, Agora Building, 4th floor, room Honka 407 A and B


Please enroll by filling the following form (only 5 questions):


After your enrollment to this session, you will get the information to register to the moodle page.

In the moddle page, it is already indicated the pre-assignment and the submission deadline is on 19.10. at 6pm


Filip Ginter Associate Professor, Language and Speech Technology

Tomi Westerlund Associate Professor, Embedded Electronics