
Hung up

I’ve written on governmentality before, but that has been more of me going through how Michel Foucault explores and explains it in his work, namely in an aptly named essay ‘Governmentality’, which can be found in ‘The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality with Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault’. This is not […]


No Nonsense: Living Next Door to Carroll

I was going to continue on this in the previous essay but then I thought that it’d be better to do a split instead. So, I’m picking up where I left off, examining the English translation of Gilles Deleuze’s book ‘Logique du sens’, ‘The Logic of Sense’. Why? Because, well, in the absence of meaning, […]



This is one of those things (a word that I just covered in earlier essay) that I haven’t really clearly addressed so far. This is related to my own research, so I guess it would only make sense to address. People may or may not be aware that my research deals with texts, by and […]


The thing is: What’s a thing anyway?

I was writing something else, something else which will come out eventually, but it got me thinking. I ended up using the word ‘thing’ quite a bit and, want it or not, it does crop up quite a bit. So, it got me thinking, that there has to be something to it. What’s a thing […]


Peerage, judgment and combat

This time I’ll be looking at something that I read not that long ago, maybe less than a month ago, give or take. It’ll on the short side, I hope. Well, at least the text itself isn’t that long, mere nine pages, so it shouldn’t be too bad. So, this time I’ll taking a close […]