
Just (be)cause

I had something else planned for this month, but I ended up with this instead. I’ll return to what I was working on, nothing gone to waste, but I thought, well, this makes sense, right here, right now. Right, so, I was doing working on some slides for a lecture and ended up watching Michel […]


Good work

This month flew by, that’s for sure. I mainly spent it working on a couple of articles. I also spent tens of hours playing a video game. Oh, and what a treat it was, to just play and play, like … no … not like there’s no tomorrow … but like today is, suddenly, already, […]


Concrete mixtures

I didn’t plan on this, really, like at all. Then again, this is something that has bothered me for a long time, so I knew that I’d bring it up at some point. Anyway, so, landscape is a visual concept. It may not have been that way, like way back, as I’ve discussed in the […]


Hang on, this isn’t structuralism! Or is it?

It took me a couple of weeks to get everything done, even though I only had like 10 pages left to cover. Yeah, I ended up on all kinds of tangents. Anyway, this time I’ll be going through ‘How Do We Recognize Structuralism?’ by Gilles Deleuze. It can be found in ‘Desert Islands and Other […]


Ravings of a rambler

Last time I wrote on what Friedrich Nietzsche thinks of much of western philosophy, with a lengthy, yet long overdue tangent on priests. I was going to write a separate essay on them and I believe I had something in the works, an unfinished essay where that was going to be brought up, in detail, […]


You are not what you think you are

I’ve explained how Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari deal with identity and subjectivity, but I think a bit of repetition won’t hurt. I’ll try to keep this as simple as possible, like I did in the previous essay, trying to avoid their jargon as much as possible, even though that’s quite tricky, considering how complex […]


The Grill

I’ve written about Michel Foucault’s work, going through his best-known work, focusing on a number of concepts that are, one way or another, related to his concepts of power and power relations, including but not limited to discipline, biopower, govermentality, panopticism, as well as discourse, including but not limited to knowledge, episteme, regime of truth, […]


Xs and Ys: This is not the essay you were looking for

So, yeah, this is not the essay you were looking for (unless it is the essay you were looking for) because in the last essay I stated that I’d most likely be finishing what I started last month. If that’s what you were looking for, then this is not it. This is what I came […]


Levels of difficulty

I can’t say it was like clockwork, the usual three months or so that a typical manuscript takes to go through review, because it was way longer than that, not that I minded, really, because I had other stuff to do in the meanwhile, but, anyway, a text of mine came back from review. As […]


All systems go

Okay, so finally, let’s do this. Let’s cover Félix Guattari’s ‘Machine and Structure’, which appears at least in two of his compilations, ‘Molecular Revolution: Psychiatry and Politics’ and ‘Psychoanalysis and Transversality: Texts and Interviews 1955–1971’. I’ll be referring to the latter, in case you wonder about the pagination. Now I’ve mentioned all kinds of things […]