

Instead of continuing on more Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, as was my intent, I’ll do a very short essay, a follow-up to the previous essay on landscape and aesthetics, as examined during the lecture course on aesthetics. The bad thing here is that I can hardly remember what the lectures were on, including the […]


Born off a Horse

What I have in store this time is not like in the previous essay which included some polemical elements. This is probably rather drab in comparison to it. Of course, what’s interesting and what’s not, what’s polemical and what’s not, etc. depends on people. I find this quite fascinating, but I also reckon that for […]


Refrain from Surfing, or Else!

I actually came across ‘How to Surf: Technologies at Work in the Societies of Control’ by Bent Meier Sørensen not by reading ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’ by Gilles Deleuze and searching for anyone that has cited it, but by looking for anything relevant Deleuze and Félix Guattari might have to say about media […]


Me, Myself and I

I have brought this up a number of times already, but if my memory serves me, I haven’t covered ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’ by Gilles Deleuze in detail. I’m not sure who translated this as it’s not evident from the article itself. I may know who it is, but I can’t remember who […]


Of Danger and Zones

I decided to split my close reading of ‘1933: Micropolitics and Segmentarity’, one of the plateaus in ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’ by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, only to leave out about the final seven pages or so. If you didn’t read the two essays, one more on all things fascism and the […]


Leaky Pipes

I opted to split my investigation of segmentarity midway through the relevant plateau in ‘A Thousand Plateaus:Capitalism and Schizophrenia’ by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. I covered only part of the plateau titled ‘1933: Micropolitics and Segmentarity’ and this time I’ll continue where I left off. Much of this plateau on segmentarity has to do […]


Black Holes

I intended to focus on a specific plateau in this essay, but getting somewhere past halfway through the plateau, I opted to split the text instead. For this essay, I’ll also weave in what I’ve written for another essay on the first installment of ‘Capitalism and Schizophrenia’, ‘L’Anti-Oedipe’ or ‘Anti-Oedipus’. This is because there is […]


The Life of a Mountain

As I mentioned in an earlier essay, I opted to attend aesthetics lectures at the university. It may seem a bit odd, yet for me it makes perfect sense. The primary of reason for attending those lectures is to understand more about the aesthetics, with particular relevance to landscapes. It took quite many lectures before […]


Say Swiss Cheese!

I’ve been a bit busy lately, now working as a researcher in a project. It’s not exactly what I do in my own research, but when it comes theory, it’s still within my reach and pushes me to use it in different context, as well as to expand my reading into areas where others tend […]


Jesus Program

Finally! Finally! Finally! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Why all the excitement? Well, that should be obvious, but to answer that question that I made you pose, I’m pumped because this essay is on the real deal, a plateau pertaining to faciality, as well as to landscapity. You could say that I’ve endured digging […]