I’ve been doing all kinds of things and reading all kinds of stuff. I intended to be done with something else, instead of finishing some stuff that I managed to leave unfinished, but then people started fucking with the stock market in the US. If you thought there was nothing good about 2020 and 2021 […]
Author: Timo Savela
Taking one for the team, any volunteers?
I’ve written about biopower before and I’m not too fond of rehashing, doing the same shit more than once, because it’s just lazy to do that. That said, I’ll reiterate some stuff on biopower because this essay is going to be about the current state(s) of affairs. Right, to jog your memory, biopower has to […]
What is not and not what is
I was browsing through ‘Desert Islands and Other Texts: 1953–1974’, a collection of short texts by Gilles Deleuze, not really knowing what to read, not being sure what I had already read, while I noticed something that tickled my fancy. It’s contained in ‘“He Was my Teacher”’. Deleuze (79) mentions Jean-Paul Sartre as having created […]
God wills it all, or it is what it is
I was writing another essay, which led me to crawl through Baruch Spinoza’s ‘Ethics’. There is this bit in Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’ where he (lvi) makes note of people’s tendency to attribute whatever it is that they fail to explain to the will of God. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve mentioned this issue […]
Moving the goalposts
I’ve been reading a bit of this and a bit of that, mainly some Proust, but I’ve also been wondering what to write on. There are a couple of essays that are somewhere there, halfway done, but I wanted to do something short for a change. So, I landed on ‘Instincts and Institutions’ by Gilles […]
This organization is absolutely necessary!
I ended up writing about this, what’ll basically be an essay about speaking and doing for people, rather than with them, while returning to write an essay that I never managed to complete because something else came up and I had to deal with it. Either I just forgot that text or didn’t care enough […]
I know, you know, we all know, don’t we?
There’s one strand of CDS or CDA, whatever label you wish to use, or an approach to it that I particularly like. Sigfried Jäger and Florentine Maier present what they refer to as the analysis of discourses and dispositives in a book chapter titled ‘Analysing Discourse and Dispositives: A Foucauldian Approach to Theory and Methodology’. […]
The artist formerly known as CDA
In the last round of review of my article it was recommended that I’d look into discourse and practice, for example by taking a closer look at the work of Theo van Leeuwen, rather than building my own, I’d say, perhaps, at least seemingly, eclectic mix of a bit of this and a bit of […]
Not a moment too Yoon
How about something new? How about something refreshing? How about something short this time? Yes, yes and yes. This time I’ll be taking a look at ‘Iconographical landscape warfare’, a very recent 2020 article written by Hong-key Yoon. I think it’s apt to say that this article is refreshing, in the sense that it is […]
Harvesters, Bodies and Mead!
I thought I’d do something short(er) this time, but, as you’ll quickly notice, that didn’t happen. I had gone through this text before and thought I’d be able to make a quick summary of it, highlighting what I like about it, while also providing some related commentary. I honestly didn’t realize how good this text […]