
One-trick ponies

Having worked for almost three academic years now in a teaching position, after spending a number of years doing a doctorate, after spending a number of yours doing bachelor’s and a master’s degrees, I can say that I have some insight on how the university system has changed over the years. Oh, and has it […]


Science is like philosophy, but backwards

If you’ve read their other works, it shouldn’t surprise how Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari conclude their final book, ‘What Is Philosophy?’. For them (201), most people are conformists. Why? Well, because life is easier that way. People are happy to repeat what others have said, over and over again, instead of trying to come […]


Hang on, this isn’t structuralism! Or is it?

It took me a couple of weeks to get everything done, even though I only had like 10 pages left to cover. Yeah, I ended up on all kinds of tangents. Anyway, this time I’ll be going through ‘How Do We Recognize Structuralism?’ by Gilles Deleuze. It can be found in ‘Desert Islands and Other […]


The artist formerly known as CDA

In the last round of review of my article it was recommended that I’d look into discourse and practice, for example by taking a closer look at the work of Theo van Leeuwen, rather than building my own, I’d say, perhaps, at least seemingly, eclectic mix of a bit of this and a bit of […]


Standing out in a crowd

I’ll be short this time and I’ll do more of a companion piece to a book review that is (there is still time) or was (?) slated to come out by the end of the year. I wrote it during the summer when I was given this opportunity. Back then, I had a brief look […]


The Obstacle and The Way

I was going to write on something else, what I have to say about Gabriel Tarde and Guy Debord, and to get the recaps on the ADDA 2 conference done, sooner than later, but then I got some bad news. Well, not really bad news. I didn’t mind, really. Happens. It actually led me to […]


Bad Binoculars! Bad Binoculars!

This is long overdue, mainly because I really haven’t had much to say about the topic. Anyway, not long ago Tamás Szabó and Robert Troyer teamed up again for another article, this time titled ‘Inclusive ethnographies: Beyond the binaries of observer and observed in linguistic landscape studies’. Their previous article had to do with this […]



Following the previous tangent, addressing the use of culture, as well as, to lesser extent, nature and ideology, it’s time for me to once again attempt to dip me feet into ‘Marxism and the Philosophy of Language’ by Valentin Vološinov. It’s an interesting book published as it strikes me as ahead of its time, quite […]


Tour de Detour

I was going to write an essay, a fairly long one, along the lines of 20 to 30 pages, single spaced, as I’ve done in the past, no biggie, but I quickly ended up on a seven, no, in the end, nine page tangent on culture. So, instead of covering what I was going to […]


Hung up

I’ve written on governmentality before, but that has been more of me going through how Michel Foucault explores and explains it in his work, namely in an aptly named essay ‘Governmentality’, which can be found in ‘The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality with Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault’. This is not […]