
Just (be)cause

I had something else planned for this month, but I ended up with this instead. I’ll return to what I was working on, nothing gone to waste, but I thought, well, this makes sense, right here, right now. Right, so, I was doing working on some slides for a lecture and ended up watching Michel […]


Saying, doing or doing by saying?

What fascinates me about Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari is their willingness to go against the grain, not to be edgy, but to make you, as their reader, to think otherwise. It’d be tempting to argue that they want you to think like they do, but I don’t think that’s accurate. In a way that […]


Chromatic Aberrations

Back to Deleuze and Guattari. Two more postulates to go, one after this. Like the last time, I’ll be looking at the fourth chapter or plateau in ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’. With regards to the previous postulate it was established that while content and expression are not opposed to one another on their […]


I am the best!

Sometimes change can make a change. Anyway, so, for a change, I’ll address a novel written by Laurent Binet. I happened to read his novel titled ‘La septième fonction du langage’. My copy is the Finnish translation by Lotta Toivanen, titled ‘Kuka murhasi Roland Barthesin?’ (Who murdered Roland Barthes?). The English translation, also published in […]


Subject to change

If my previous essay on the subject didn’t go down well, well then this is going to even worse. Anyway, as an alternative to Michel Foucault, I’ll be looking at how Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari handle the subject. The previous essay drew in part from Deleuze, but that had more to do with his […]