Kress – Landscape and Discourse

Not one but three

I tend to write on whatever Gilles Deleuze and/or Félix Guattari have written or I somehow end up on some tangent that pertains to their work, typically in connection with either discourse or landscape. That’s partly because those are included in the name of this blog. I haven’t really focused on other topics that they’ve […]


Priesthood of Bad Faith

It’s been three months, and like clockwork, I received the decision for the manuscript that I sent to a publisher for review, three months ago, after thorough revision from the previously rejected manuscript, incorporating various changes and fleshing out some things that bothered the previous reviewers and/or editors. Right, as you might guess, from the […]


The Obstacle and The Way

I was going to write on something else, what I have to say about Gabriel Tarde and Guy Debord, and to get the recaps on the ADDA 2 conference done, sooner than later, but then I got some bad news. Well, not really bad news. I didn’t mind, really. Happens. It actually led me to […]