As for the other regions in which the EC provides cooperation funding, the basic framework for the programming and identification of Tacis activities consists of:
(a) strategy papers for Eastern European and Central Asian partner countries as well as multi-country programmes are established for a period of five to seven years. They define the long-term objectives for cooperation and identify the strategic priorities and the specific fields of action.
(b) multiannual indicative programmes, usually for three years, based on the strategy papers, are drawn up for each country, regional, or multi-country programme. They contain a description of sectoral and cross-cutting issues, specific objectives and expected results.
(c) annual or biennial action programmes, based on the multiannual indicative programmes, are drawn up for each country, region, or multi-country programme eligible for Community cooperation. They set out, as precisely as possible, the aims being pursued, the fields of action and the budget provided for a given year. They contain a list of cooperation activities to be financed by the Community.
The Tacis regional programme addresses in particular areas such as the environment, trade and transport, and Justice and Home Affairs-related issues where cooperation among the countries of the region is most important. The Tacis cross-border programme promotes co-operation and the development of links between neighbouring communities in different countries. Tacis nuclear safety activities are also covered in a single, regional programming document, taking account of the technically very complex issues arising in that context. Each of these regional programmes has its own strategy paper, indicative and action programme.
The current Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and Indicative Programmes (IPs) cover the period 2002-2006. Most CSPs and Regional Strategy Papers (RSPs), covering the period 2002-2006, together with the Indicative Programmes (IPs) 2002-2003 were
adopted in 2002.Updated IPs, covering the period 2004-2006 were, in most cases, adopted in 2003.
In particular situations, financing decisions covering specific cooperation measures not included in annual or biennial action programmes may be drawn up. This is the case for specific contributions to the Chernobyl Shelter Fund and the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership.