Work package 2

ICT and logistics competence in the participating regions

Strategic focus: Analysis of the Regions ICT and Logistics development needs and the effectiveness of performed and anticipated development activities

Planned results: Analysis of the ICT, logistics and spatial planning competence in participating regions based on empirical evidence from the business community, provided both regionally and in BSR-wide comparison

WP2 is the largest WP in LogOn Baltic, and most practical work in the regions takes place here. Together with WP3, it will also consume most of the External Expertise capacity used in the project. The main part of activities in WP2 will take place during Milestones 2 and 3.

The key objective is to analyse ICT and logistics competence in the participating regions, and to summarize the private sector’s related expectations from the public sector. Data gathering applies several complementary methods, such as a coherent survey tool, web based survey execution, company interviews, analysis of regional and overall results and workshops. WP2 will also evaluate the performance of development agencies within the participating regions forming the basis of suggested actions, defined in WP3. Region-specific objectives vary slightly, but the overall scope is very similar. Raising the overall attractiveness of regions is important for all Partner regions. *Local activities by main Partners, incl. concrete actions, such as in Hamburg regions spatial planning needs in e.g. inland container terminal development; in Wismar region, links to Reg. Develop. Prog. Westmecklenburg; in
Riga, Tallinn, Klaipeda and St. Petersburg: links to cities development strategies; in Pruszsz Gdanski links to Baltic Investment Zone work; in SW FI & Tartu region, links to regional development plans e.g. air transport connections; in Denmark: the impacts of the regional administration reform; in Östergötland: links to Norrköping Package dealing with ICT and logistics


Several Partners have developed and use advanced logistics management teaching and analysis tools in Supply Chain
Visualization and Management Education. Budget allowing these will be demonstrated and applied as appropriate.

Work package 2 leader: Linköping University, Logistics Management, Prof. Håkan Aronsson
