Introducing the OIL SPILL Project Office at the University of Turku (4/4)

Last but not least is the introduction of Sari Tähtinen. Sari is in charge of the financial management of OIL SPILL, on both Lead Partner and Partner level. Her tasks vary from attending meetings to financial reporting, counseling, and communicating with the First Level Controllers as well as the Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat of the Interreg BSR Programme.

During her career, Sari has learned the art of multi-tasking and prioritizing. These skills are crucial because her job requires keeping everything accurately under control and to the schedule. Financial Manager also needs patience, especially in the world of project consortiums, where things rarely go as planned.

Sari is well aware that financial affairs are not – and should not be – at the center of everyone’s work. At the Project Office, too, she has explained the same things over and over again. But Sari enjoys giving advice, and the moments when the realization dawns belong to the best parts of her work. Other joys are getting to know the Project Partners and, of course, successful problem-solving.

“At the Financial Services, we often joke how we are the Seekers of the Lost Cents. It is brilliant when we do find them and finally match up the financial reports.”

As an experienced Financial Manager and Coordinator, Sari knows that, in projects, there is nothing more certain than change. Her adaptability and quick-wittedness are highly appreciated by the rest of the Project Office crew.

Expressions such as a hard-core professional and the backbone of the project are common when Sari Tähtinen is in question. (Photo: Lauri Ojala)

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