Rakshit et al. (2020), ApJS, submitted (ArXiv)
This page provides supplementary material of quasar properties presented in Rakshit et al. (2020). We present measurements of the spectral properties for a total of about 500,000 quasars selected from the fourteenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR14) quasar catalog. We performed a careful and homogeneous analysis of the SDSS spectra of these sources, to estimate the continuum and line properties of several emission lines such as Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Mg ii, C iii], C iv and Lyα. From the derived emission line parameters, we estimated single-epoch virial black hole masses (MBH) for the sample using Hβ, Mg ii and C iv emission lines. The sample covers a wide range in bolometric luminosity (logLbol; erg s−1) between 44.4 and 47.3 and logMBH between 7.1 and 9.9 M⊙.
Here, you will find the entire spectral catalog in FITS format and quick assessment spectral fitting plot of each DR14 quasars.
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