Reza Abasi, studying in the Master´s Degree Programme specialisation track Cyber Security

Specialisation track in Cyber Security trains important experts for future society

Cyber security is an increasingly important field for future society and information-intensive industries. Reza Abasi recognised the need for cyber security experts and decided to apply to study the subject in the University of Turku.

The University of Turku offers 32 different Master’s Degree Programmes taught in English. They cover a broad range of different subjects from economics and business administration to information and communication technology.

Master’s Degree student Reza Abasi studies for the second year in the specialisation track of Cyber Security of the Master’s Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology. He came to Turku from Tehran, Iran in August 2018.

Reza Abasi, “If this is your study plan: utilizing the past knowledge, enjoying the moment, insuring your future – then join Master of Cyber security at the University of Turku.”

Reza graduated 12 years ago from the programme of software engineering and after taking security courses in Iran, he found himself increasingly interested in cyber security. He also felt the urge to educate himself more, and eventually, he decided to apply for a Master’s degree.

During his studies in Turku, Reza has been active in different roles. He was a member of the Student Union’s International Wing, and he is also working part-time for a Singaporean company. Although it was a bit difficult at first, Reza thinks that he has integrated quite well. He has found that people are very helpful and friendly and has been very impressed with the teachers.

– “When I sent an email to my teacher, he replied almost immediately. The teachers take their work and responsibility very seriously. The learning environment and the libraries are also excellent and easy to access, so you only need motivation to learn and study,” he says.

Academic knowledge and practical experience

When looking for institutions of higher education that offer studies in cyber security, Reza found two options in Finland and chose the University of Turku because he felt that it would give him a more comprehensive picture of the field.

Reza soon noticed that studying in a university was also quite demanding.

– “It was very challenging to start studying again after such a long time. The field had changed a great deal, but it also took some time to get used to studying on university level, where the studies are a lot more theoretical, and in a different country, where the whole education system and institutions are different,” Reza tells.

Reza has noticed that the University puts emphasis on research and innovation. Quite many Master’s degree students continue their studies after graduating and pursue a doctoral degree. However, this does not mean that the studies are not practical; the link to the working life is built, for example, by inviting visitors from companies to talk about their jobs in the field.

An increasingly important field

The Master’s Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology offers four specialisation tracks: cyber security, smart systems, digital health, and cryptography. The students can also choose courses from the other tracks as their minor studies.

Cyber security is a deeply important issue at the moment as society is increasingly consisting of networks and depending on smart environments and electronic communication systems. Reza himself noticed the growing importance of cyber security while working in software engineering.

Today’s work life is also highly information-intensive, which means that it is increasingly more vulnerable to external threats. Cyber security is in a key role in securing these industries and future societies will be dependent on experts in the field.

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Last update 5 August 2022

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