
Tilat: Arken, Åbo Akademi: työryhmät ja paneelikeskustelu, Educarium (EDU1): keynotes


Torstai 22.11.

    • 11.00-12.30 Rekisteröityminen (Educarium aula)
    • 12.30-13.45 Lounas itsenäisesti
    • 13.45-14.00 Konferenssin avaus: Marianne Liljeström, Turun yliopiston sukupuolentutkimuksen oppiaineen professori & Salla Tuori, Sukupuolentutkimuksen seuran puheenjohtaja ja Åbo Akademin sukupuolentutkimuksen oppiaineen apulaisprofessori (EDU1)
    • 14.00-15.30  Keynote 1: Mel Y. Chen (EDU1)
    • 15.30-16.00 Kahvitauko (Arken), kirjanjulkistamistilaisuus: Feministisen pedagogiikan ABC (Vastapaino 2018)
    • 16.00-18.00 Työryhmät (Arken)

A. Conducting trans history: ethical, methodological and theoretical challenges (Camera Obscura E201)

B. Feminist New Materialisms – Matter(ing) and Methodologies (Jöns Budde M218)

E. Gender Studies in Transit (Källan C201)

H. Kirjallisuus, kirjallisuudentutkimus ja sukupuoli (Bifrost D207)

J. Miehiä ja maskuliinisuuksia (Saussure M128)

K. Miten sukupuolesta puhutaan? (Goethe L104)

L. Queerness and Television in the 21st Century (Valhall D206)

N. Telaboratoria (Donner M225)

S. Trans & Queer Reproduction: Legal, Cultural and Socioeconomic Challenges (Simone Weil M134)

U. Äitiyden normien rajoilla ja yli (Humboldt L103)

V. Colonial Legacies: Tracing Finland as Colonial/Modern Context (Pantheon D208)

NORA, Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research – the Finnish editorial board kick-off  (Voltaire M127)

  • 18.30- Kaupungin vastaanotto, Kaupungintalo


Perjantai 23.11.

  • 9.00-9.30 Rekisteröityminen (Educarium aula)
  • 9.30-11.00 Keynote 2: Kim TallBear: The More-than-Monogamy Experiment (EDU1)
  • 11.15-12.45 Työryhmät (Arken)

A.Conducting trans history: ethical, methodological and theoretical challenges (Camera Obscura E201)

B1 & B2. Feminist New Materialisms – Matter(ing) and Methodologies (Jöns Budde M218 & Bifrost D207)

C. Feminist sisterhood projects in Europe and Central Asia after the collapse of the Soviet Union: New transit points and efforts of decolonization (Pantheon D208)

E. Gender Studies in Transit (Kramer M220) 

K. Miten sukupuolesta puhutaan? (Goethe L104)

M. Tasa-arvopolitiikan ja feminismin muuttuvat ehdot ja mahdollisuudet (Voltaire M127)

O. Trans* and Queer in Postsocialist Contexts (Radiatorn E101)

P. Trans*bodies, Controls and Border Crossings: Claims of Sexual Citizens, Gender Attributions by State Authorities and Global Justice (Nikander D101)

R. Transformative perspectives on interspecies relations and food practices: feminism, intersectionality and critical animal studies (Donner M225)

V. Colonial Legacies: Tracing Finland as Colonial/Modern Context (Valhall D206)

  • 12.45-14.00 Lounas (itsenäisesti)
  • 14.00-15.30 Keynote 3: Alyosxa Tudor: Im/Possibilities of Refusing and Choosing Gender, or: Epistemologies of Contradiction, Uncertainty and Transit (EDU1)
  • 15.30-16.00 Kahvitauko (Arken)
  • 16.00-18.00 Paneelikeskustelu 1: Trans and Activism: How to be an Ally? (Arken, Armfelt)
  • 18.00 Kirjanjulkistamistilaisuus: Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships (Routledge 2018)
  • 19.00 Iltajuhla ja SUNS-gradupalkinto, Café Arken


Lauantai 24.11.

  • 10.30-12.00 Työryhmät (Arken)

B. Feminist New Materialisms – Matter(ing) and Methodologies (Jöns Budde M218)

D. Five years after “anti-gay” law: the contemporary everyday life of the queer community in Russia (Valhall D206)

O. Trans* and Queer in Postsocialist Contexts (Radiatorn E101)

P. Trans*bodies, Controls and Border Crossings: Claims of Sexual Citizens, Gender Attributions by State Authorities and Global Justice (Nikander D101)

Q. Transformations in Social Movements 1960- (Westermarck C101)

R. Transformative perspectives on interspecies relations and food practices: feminism, intersectionality and critical animal studies (Donner M225)

  • 12.00-13.30 Lounas (itsenäisesti)
  • 13.30-15.00 Paneelikeskustelu 2: Transnationality (Arken, Armfelt)
  • 15.15-16.00 Lopetus (Arken, Armfelt)





Feministisen pedagogiikan ABC

Laukkanen, Anu; Miettinen, Sari; Elonheimo, Aino-Maija; Ojala, Hanna & Saresma, Tuija (toim.): Feministisen pedagogiikan ABC (Vastapaino 2018)

Kohti yhdenvertaisempaa opetusta. Uutuuskirja feministisestä pedagogiikasta on ilmestynyt!

Feministisen pedagogiikan ABC – Opas ohjaajille ja opettajille on yleistajuinen tietokirja, joka on suunnattu opettajille ja ohjaajille erilaisissa oppimisen ympäristöissä. Kirja antaa esimerkkejä siitä, miten monesti haastavilta tuntuvia sukupuolta, seksismiä ja rasismia eli vallankäytön muotoja koskevia teemoja voidaan sisällyttää opetukseen rakentavalla tavalla.

Lisätietoja: https://vastapaino.fi/sivu/tuote/feministisen-pedagogiikan-abc/2320688

Kirjaa saa ostaa edulliseen hintaan Sukupuolentutkimuksen päivillä.


The Finnish editorial period of NORA KICK-OFF! Come and participate in making the journal!

In 2019 gender studies of Tampere University will start as the editorial home of NORA, Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. We want to kick off this period by discussing how to make the journal the best possible platform for fruitful multidisciplinary research in feminist and gender studies. Are the aims and scope of the journal up to date? Should the journal promote full open access, or new types of publications? Is there a need to reach wider audiences, in and outside of the academia, and how could we do this? In this kick-off event, we first introduce the journal, its current aims and scope, the Tampere editorial team and the Finnish editorial board for 2019–2020. We will continue the discussions in facilitated small groups, and will end up combining these discussions to guide the work of the editorial team and board.

Your ideas and thoughts are valuable – come and share them with other scholars, students and us!


Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships

Kolehmainen, Marjo & Juvonen, Tuula (toim.): Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships (Routledge Research in Gender and Society, 2018)

Please join us for a book launch event with wine reception!

It is time to celebrate the launch of the recent collection Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships. The book is edited by Dr. Tuula Juvonen (University of Turku) and Dr. Marjo Kolehmainen (University of Tampere), and published in Routledge Research in Gender and Society series in 2018.

Raising to the challenge of how to grasp different forms of affectively mediated inequalities, Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationship focuses on those subtle inequalities that are shaped in everyday affective encounters. It also seeks to bridge a gap between affect theory and empirical social research by providing ideas and inspiration of how to work with affect in research practice.

The book launch event encompasses opening words by the editors, Dr. Katie Anderson’s (London South Bank University, UK) introduction of her book chapter ‘An affective (re)balancing act? The liminal possibilities for heterosexual partners on MDMA’, followed by Professor Marianne Liljeström’s (University of Turku, FIN) brief commentary on the book as a whole.

During the book launch it will also be possible to meet several of the authors, and to receive a discount code for purchasing the book. This all will be accompanied by a wine reception. You are most warmly welcome!

More about the book: https://www.routledge.com/Affective-Inequalities-in-Intimate-Relationships/Juvonen-Kolehmainen/p/book/9781138092747