Ranskalaista #MeToo –liikettä käsittelevä podcast on tehty osana Turun yliopiston ”Social Media, Ideologies, and Ethics in the United States” -kurssia. Podcastissa opiskelijat Marie Alardot, Héloïse Cao, Aurélie Dubru, Prunelle Dauty ja Nolwenn Bargain keskustelevat sosiaalisen median luomista mahdollisuuksista aktivistiliikkeille.
This podcast on the French #MeToo movement has been produced as a part of the course “Social Media, Ideologies, and Ethics in the United States” at the University of Turku. In the podcast, students Marie Alardot, Heloise Cao, Aurelie Dubru, Prunelle Dauty, and Nolwenn Bargain discuss the opportunities that social media provides to activist movements.