Nuorten #FridaysForFuture -aktivismiliikettä käsittelevä podcast on tehty osana Turun yliopiston “Social Media, Ideologies, and Ethics in the United States” -kurssia. Opiskelijat Marie Burguin, Niklas Endres, Sena Kale, Milja Sorvari ja Fredrika Lahdenranta tarkastelevat podcastissa sosiaalisen median tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia ja sen luomia rajoituksia aktivismiliikkeille.
This podcast has been produced as a part of the course “Social Media, Ideologies, and Ethics in the United States” at the University of Turku. In the podcast, students Marie Burguin, Niklas Endres, Sena Kale, Milja Sorvari, and Fredrika Lahdenranta discuss the #FridaysForFuture movement and the opportunities that social media provides to activist movements. The also discuss slacktivism, problematizing the effectiveness of online activism.