
Our first seminar session in this academic year 2020-21 was face to face on Sept 18th. The department of Future Technologies granted us this opportunity, under the most strict guidelines to keep all our participants safe, to be together physically. The guidelines include: to have participant’s contact information in case we needed to trace someone due to any outbreak, and during the session we kept safe distance, we wore masks and hand sanitiser was available.

The new healthy regulations didn’t mean decreasing the quality of our work. Instead, one could feel respect by one another while transforming our physical location in a space where a wonderful exchange of ideas happened. We are learning to work together in different settings. We were honored to have Captain Anton Westerlund as our guest speaker. Furthermore, we thankful with him, as he made our  season special while sharing his knowledge and letting us discover something Kongsberg.

PS. If I may ask for a wish, I would encourage architects, civil engineers and home interior designers to develop spaces and new constructions with spaces that promote health distance and proper ventilation in case of a similar outbreak in the future, however these spaces are also cozy and warm. They do not feel as half empty, but instead they feel as a place to stimulate co-design even if the participants are keeping a safe distance. 😉

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