
Made-up memories

My previous essay focused on how people tend to be in the habit of thinking that what they see is simply what they see, to be taken on an as is basis, or so to speak, yet, in actuality what they see is a mere projection, a mere fantasy of theirs. In other words, people […]


False, fake, deceptive

Fake this. Fake that. Fake, fake, fake, it’s all fake, even orgasms. If someone tells you otherwise, it’s fake news. As already stated a number of times, seven times to be specific (eight if the title counts), this essay is all about all things fake. The problem with this is, as we’ll come to see, […]


What’s playing who?

In this essay I’ll be covering something similar to what Gilles Deleuze and FĂ©lix Guattari elaborate in ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’. The focus still very much on things, or rather, objects, as discussed by Michel Serres and Bruno Latour. Anyway, I’ll start by examining quasi-objects, as defined by Michel Serres in ‘The Parasite’. […]