
Made-up memories

My previous essay focused on how people tend to be in the habit of thinking that what they see is simply what they see, to be taken on an as is basis, or so to speak, yet, in actuality what they see is a mere projection, a mere fantasy of theirs. In other words, people […]


Time is of the essence

No, I have not abandoned this, whatever this is that I’m doing with this. It’s just that I’ve been fairly busy with work, thus having less time to write, except the stuff I need to do for work. The thing is that as I’m currently substituting, filling in for someone, I have to play catch […]


With the Lights On

I’m not fond of doing more of the same, albeit, strictly speaking that’s actually impossible. Anyway, the point here is that I’ve addressed this before in an earlier essay. In that essay I pointed out that I can’t remember what it is that pushed me to this direction, what made me cross a threshold to […]


Ineeda, uneeda, weallneeda

In this essay I’ll be taking a look at an article first published in ‘Landscape’. The article is not particularly long, only nine pages, as republished in ‘Figuring the Word: Essays on Books, Writing and Visual Poetics’. The article in question is Johanna Drucker’s plainly titled ‘Language in the Landscape’. In this essay I’ll be […]


Ketchup on a steak?

In an early article dating back to the early 1970s, James Duncan addresses landscape and taste in his ‘Landscape Taste as a Symbol of Group Identity: A Westchester County Village’. As indicated in the title, Duncan focuses on a rural landscape, a village located in the town of Bedford, in Westchester County, New York. He […]


From the reserve: dated, not antiquated

Landscape was successfully reintroduced and perhaps more importantly reconceptualized in the 1970s by humanistic geographers who opposed what had marginalized landscape research: the scientific method, more specifically positivism and quantitative methods. In my first post, I pointed out that I started out with Donald Meinig’s ‘The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays’. It stands in […]