
Given Choice

A previous essay of mine focused on the art of conversation, as discussed by Gilles Deleuze in part I of ‘A Conversation: What is it? What is it For?’, as included ‘Dialogues’. This time I’ll be looking at part II of the same text. It’s attributed to Claire Parnet. Whether this is actually the case […]


Quantity Assurance

I’ll keep discussing the quantification of all things social in this essay. I’ll also stay on the same book as in my last three essays, covering parts of the recently published ‘Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces’. This time I’m focusing on a book chapter titled ‘The Quality of Quantity’ by Kate Lyons. […]


One to Many, Many to One

Included in the same 2020 book edited by David Malinowski and Stefania Tufi, ‘Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces’, William Amos and Barbara Soukup address categorization of data in quantitative linguistic landscape studies in their book chapter ‘Quantitative 2.0: Toward Variationist Linguistic Landscape Study (VaLLS) and a Standard Canon of LL Variables’. This […]


Support your global + Swerve

In my previous essay, I covered the introduction of recently published ‘Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces’ edited by David Malinowski and Stefania Tufi. In summary, I both agreed and disagreed with their statements. I was happy to see the work Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari being discussed in the introduction, but I […]


Questioning the very notion of boundaries

I was looking forward to ‘Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces’ edited by David Malinowski and Stefania Tufi, to check if there’s some interesting book chapters. Anyway, I can’t recall exactly when that was, but I noticed that the book was slated to come out in early 2020. So it’s early 2020 now […]


The double-theft

I’m not exactly sure how I landed on this, again, but, be that as it may, this time I’ll be looking at a short text (some 35 pages) by Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet, ‘A Conversation: What is it? What is it For?’, included in ‘Dialogues’, co-written by the two, in two parts, I and […]


Protocols of defiance : How to defy everything ranging from fear to loathing

What have I been up to? Well, there’s was that bad faith review, that I’ll comment briefly, because there was an update to that, sort of, me reworking that manuscript (because I don’t waste time, unlike many other people), and bunch of reading. I’ve been enjoying Félix Guattari’s ‘The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis’ in […]


Triangles and Blind Spots

This bit is from a work in progress (although, isn’t everything work in progress?), from a manuscript that’s in review. For that article I wanted to be very illustrative about landscape and how it works because, for some reason, people don’t often get what the deal with landscape is, despite all the work that’s out […]


Heads Up!

Again, it’s a strange thing, how I landed on this, reading what Salvador Dalí has to say on something that bears relevance to what Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari have to say about the abstract machine of faciliaty-landscapity in ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’. I was listening to a podcast that I tend to […]


Back to Basics

To be productive, and to mix things up, like a mixologist, this I’ll take a look at a guide to how to do landscape research. Of course, it’s not the only guide there is, nor should it be taken as the guide to landscape research, but I like it because I find myself more or […]