
Triangles and Blind Spots

This bit is from a work in progress (although, isn’t everything work in progress?), from a manuscript that’s in review. For that article I wanted to be very illustrative about landscape and how it works because, for some reason, people don’t often get what the deal with landscape is, despite all the work that’s out […]


Shaken and Stirred

I’m not exactly sure how I ended up reading this, ‘Learning to Translate the Linguistic Landscape’ by David Malinowski, which can be found in ‘Expanding the Linguistic Landscape: Linguistic Diversity, Multimodality and the Use of Space as a Semiotic Resource’. I guess I was rather browsing through it, initially searching for the word ‘landscape’ while […]


The sensible insensible

What is included in this essay was supposed to be in the previous one, but then I opted not to include it. It’s important and related to it, but it would have shifted the focus a bit too much away from the discourse itineraries and materialization of discourses. To summarize what I wrote in the […]


Oh, it’s tense!

It was already in my first post in this blog that I pointed out that I started broadening my horizons on all things landscape by picking up the concisely titled ‘Landscape’ by John Wylie. After that I have ventured into various articles that I happen to have found particularly insightful, as well as covered various […]


Light it up!

Before I carry on to cover discourse, formations, diagrams and abstract machines as discussed by Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, I’ll address something even more, I’m not fond of the word but whatever, fundamental. In his ‘Death and the Labyrinth: The World of Raymond Roussel’, Foucault (110-111) writes of light: “[T]here is a sovereign white […]