
Some change could make a change

I’ve been writing long essays on Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It has been quite the effort in thinking and even more so putting it all into words in a way that would help me and others understand what landscape is and what it does. I could just rely on what others […]


Ketchup on a steak?

In an early article dating back to the early 1970s, James Duncan addresses landscape and taste in his ‘Landscape Taste as a Symbol of Group Identity: A Westchester County Village’. As indicated in the title, Duncan focuses on a rural landscape, a village located in the town of Bedford, in Westchester County, New York. He […]


3D in 2D, typically in 3:2

I planned not delving into discussing linguistic landscape (LL) studies at this stage. Anyway, as I’ve been more or less focusing on representation in landscape research, I felt that a recently published article titled ‘Representation and videography in linguistic landscape studies’ would fit in the mix just fine. As the title suggests authors Robert Troyer […]