
Concrete mixtures

I didn’t plan on this, really, like at all. Then again, this is something that has bothered me for a long time, so I knew that I’d bring it up at some point. Anyway, so, landscape is a visual concept. It may not have been that way, like way back, as I’ve discussed in the […]


Bad Binoculars! Bad Binoculars!

This is long overdue, mainly because I really haven’t had much to say about the topic. Anyway, not long ago Tamás Szabó and Robert Troyer teamed up again for another article, this time titled ‘Inclusive ethnographies: Beyond the binaries of observer and observed in linguistic landscape studies’. Their previous article had to do with this […]


All your base are belong to us

I keep running into landscape, I reckon, on almost daily basis in some news outlet. It’s hardly all there is to news, but keeps cropping up, as I’ve mentioned at times in my essays that have focused on its visuality. It was late last month, February 20 to be specific, that I came across a […]


Tour de Detour

I was going to write an essay, a fairly long one, along the lines of 20 to 30 pages, single spaced, as I’ve done in the past, no biggie, but I quickly ended up on a seven, no, in the end, nine page tangent on culture. So, instead of covering what I was going to […]


Nonhuman landscapes of nature

I’ve written quite a bit on landscape and, well, I won’t let you down this time either. I’ve particularly focused on how Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari present it in ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’. I’m not going to focus on that in detail here, again, for the umpteenth time. I’ll do my best […]


Jesus Program

Finally! Finally! Finally! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Why all the excitement? Well, that should be obvious, but to answer that question that I made you pose, I’m pumped because this essay is on the real deal, a plateau pertaining to faciality, as well as to landscapity. You could say that I’ve endured digging […]


False, fake, deceptive

Fake this. Fake that. Fake, fake, fake, it’s all fake, even orgasms. If someone tells you otherwise, it’s fake news. As already stated a number of times, seven times to be specific (eight if the title counts), this essay is all about all things fake. The problem with this is, as we’ll come to see, […]


The Extra Miles

I realize this might be or at least come across as a bit ostentatious, but that said, this time I’m looking at my own text. The text in question is a recent article published in Linguistics and Education. It’s currently in press, so it doesn’t have more specifics to it yet. Anyway, it’s titled ‘The […]