
LogOn Baltic Notes are papers written about the work done within the LogOn Baltic project. Issues that can be written about: the Baltic Sea region, logistics topics, ICT topics and spatial development topics. The aim of LogOn Baltic Notes is to disseminate up to date information on these topics and document results from the work done within the project.

Note no. 1: A starter’s list of transport related initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region (pdf)

Note no. 2: Logistics competence demand vs. supply (pdf)

Note no. 3: Utilizing ICT in the SMEs in Southwest Finland (pdf)

Note no. 4: Finland, State of Logistics 2006, the fourth national logistics survey (pdf)

Note no. 5: Preliminary feasibility study of scheduled passenger services at Tartu Ülenurme Airport, Estonia (pdf)

Note no. 6: Wachstumsinitiative Süderelbe AG – an innovative approach to regional development (pdf)

Note no. 7: Logistiikan ja ICT:n alueellinen kehittäminen Varsinais-Suomessa (pdf)

Note no. 8: Structural changes and transport challenges (pdf)

Note no. 9: Promoting logistics competence: A regional approach (pdf)
