1. You have two options. Click on any of the links below to load the first part of the program. Alternatively, you can download the full program (409MB).
  2. Select “Save” and select a location on your computer.
  3. You will be notified once the download is complete. After the download has completed, doubleclick on the downloaded file to install that part of the program. (After this, the downloaded file can be deleted.)
  4. The program will start automatically once the installation is complete. A “MarEng” shortcut icon will also be created on your desktop.
  5. The remaining parts will be downloaded as needed (provided you have an open Internet connection). The program will install the remaining parts automatically in the correct location on your computer.
  6. If you exit the program and want to use it again later, you can open it by clicking on the MarEng icon on your desktop.

Download Full Program (409MB)

Download first part of the program below: