KOPOS 2021 Exercise Will Increase Oil Spill Response Preparedness in Lithuania
Written by Vaidas Masiliauskas, Klaipeda Board, Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania

Two years ago, the Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania, and especially the Klaipeda Board (FRD Klaipeda board), was pleased to receive an invitation to participate in the OIL SPILL project. This is a great opportunity to hold large-scale exercises, invite experts and observers from other countries, assess the responsible authorities’ strengths and weaknesses, and improve the procedures.
Lithuania has had its share of oil spills, and we are eager to improve our oil spill response capabilities and preparedness.
On 21 November 1981, the tanker Globe Asimi ran aground on the shore of the coast near Klaipeda port and broke in half. The wind speed was 30 meters per second at the moment. All 29 crew members survived, but 16,493 tons of fuel oil spilled directly from the holds into the sea. Pollutants from stormy winds were quickly carried over a stretch of 56.3 km and even reached Latvian seaside resorts. A total of 80 km of the beautiful coastline was polluted. Some of the pollutants reached the port of Klaipeda, contaminating the docks and several moored cargo ships. It was the biggest ecological disaster on the Lithuanian Baltic coast.

Between 1999 and 2009, five smaller incidents occurred at the buoy of the Butinge oil terminal, during which small quantities of transported oil spilled into the Baltic Sea. Success was a key element that distinguished between a minor accident and a major one.

Currently, the expansion of Klaipeda seaport, growing number of tankers, the Independence liquefied natural gas storage vessel, Russian D6 oil recovery platform near our coastline and other factors are a reason for serious concern about possible oil product pollution in the Baltic Sea. Lithuanian authorities want to be prepared for all kinds of accidents and also seek for cooperation with the neighboring countries.

Although FRD Klaipeda board has some experience with the liquidation of oil spills on coastlines, we would still face challenges if a large-sale accident occurred. Therefore, we need to maintain and improve our competence in oil spill response.
We were planning the KOPOS 2020 large-scale exercise for April 2020, but due to the pandemic it is now postponed to 26 May 2021 − and also renamed as KOPOS 2021.
Lithuanian Armed Forces, Maritime Rescue Coordination Center, Lithuanian Air Force, Lithuanian Navy, Lithuanian Volunteer Armed Forces, Coast Guard Service, Red Cross volunteers, and about 15 other institutions are planning to participate in the KOPOS 2021 exercise. Thus, a total of 300 participants should attend if the circumstances allow.
The imitated oil spill will spread through three municipalities, reaching even the shores of Latvia. What will be the most difficult is to manage a large number of participants during the exercise: to distribute their work, organize meals, personal protective equipment, and so on… We will also try to apply new technologies during the exercise: we will be using drones that explore the coast and capture contaminated areas. In this kind of an accident, many birds would be contaminated, and their cleaning is also organized in KOPOS 2021. Also, an international headquarters with the Latvian Fire and Rescue Service will be established as part of it.
We hope that the oil spill collection exercise KOPOS 2021, as the largest one organized in Lithuania, will be very successful. You will learn more about it next spring.

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