31.1. Tuukka Brunila (Turku): Temporality of emergencies 14.2. Sanna Lehtinen (Aalto): From the Cityscape to the Streetscape: Philosophical Urban Aesthetics on Experiencing the City 7.3. Matti Eskelinen (Turku): Ethico-Political Underpinnings of Anarchist Federalism: Non-Domination and Mutual Recognition 14.3. Elisa Aaltola (Turku): Onko misantropia oikeutettua? Suru ja viha luonto- ja eläinkriisien aikakaudella 28.3. Gottfried Vosgerau (Heinrich …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Autumn 2024 programme:
4.10. Veikko Launis (Turku): The Many Faces of Vulnerability11.10. (12:15) Kaisa Mishina (Turku): Päihteitä käyttävien henkilöiden kohtaama syrjintä yhteiskunnassa11.10. (13:05) Jani Sinokki (Turku): Onko meillä lupa uskoa pahaa tai epätotuuksia muista?1.11. Heidi Haanila (Turku): Dynamics of self-consciousness examined in depersonalization and meditation15.11. Samuli Isotalo (Turku): Spinoza on Existence29.11. Laura Puumala (Turku): Supererogatory Action
Spring 2024 programme:
15.3. Joona Räsänen (TIES): “That Will Teach You!” Is Punishing One’s Spouse Ever Justified?22.3. Nicole Hassoun (HCAS/Binghampton): Legitimacy and Technocracy12.4. Valtteri Arstila (Turku): Practically cognized present19.4. Pii Telakivi (Turku): Risks of Extending Mind with AI26.4. Eerik Lagerspetz (Turku): Filosofia pilan kohteena
Autumn 2023 programme:
8.9. Mikko Puumala (Turku): Ulkoavaruuden asuttamisen haasteet moraalijärjestelmille22.9. Robert Frodeman (TIAS/Fulbright): The Future of Philosophy, The Future of the University29.9. Hille Paakkunainen (Syracuse): The Empathetic Stance6.10. Jani Sinokki (Oulu): Edward Westermarck on the Relation Between Moral Emotions and Moral Concepts3.11. Helena Siipi (Turku): Danger of Slippery Slopes in Nudge Research1.12. Alex Carruth (Helsinki): Between Emergence …
Spring 2023 programme:
3.3. Joseph Almog (Turku), Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki) & Vesa Halava (Turku): Zoology, Logic, Reality17.3. Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere): Wolff on Free Will31.3. Polaris Koi (Turku): Options, Options: the Nature of Decision Set Constituents14.4. Ville Kokko (Turku): The Consequence Argument and the Randomness Argument5.5. Katariina Lipsanen (Jyväskylä): Duns Scotus and the Immediateness of Intellectual Intuition26.5. Sanna Mattila …
Autumn 2022 programme:
14.10. Adrian Blau (Helsinki/London): On thought experiments21.10. Michael Cholbi (Edinburgh): Grief, empathy, and psychopathy4.11. Eero Suorsa (Turku): Melancholic Bodies: Cosmetic Surgeries as Melancholic Events9.12. Jenna Aarnio (Turku): Wild animal suffering and assistance [ONLINE]
Spring 2022 programme:
4.3. Laura Puumala (Turku): Just and Unjust Environmental Wars8.4. Markus Nikkarla (Turku): Intentionality as a Mode of Existence29.4. Kinga Ciereszko (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): On Habermas’ Practical Discourse and Animal Rights6.5. Oskari Sivula (Turku): Is Future a Utility Monster?20.5. [CANCELLED]
Autumn 2021 programme:
22.10. Timo Helenius (Turku): From Conviction and Its Critique to Critique and Conviction29.10. Jussi Jylkkä (Åbo): Mary on Acid: Experiences of unity and the epistemic gap12.11. Adam Bricker (Turku): Knowledge Conferred16.11. (Tues 14-16 CAL2) Christopher Preston (Montana): Where Wildness Lingers in the Anthropocene26.11. Peter Myrdal (Turku): Meaning of Life10.12. Per Sandin (Swedish University of Agricultural …
Spring 2021 programme:
26.3. Helena Siipi & Polaris Koi (Turku): Ethics of Climate Nudges [ONLINE]16.4. Lauri Kallio (Helsinki): Rein, Lotze and the Rise of Empiricism in Finland [ONLINE]7.5. Mireille Isaro (Turku): Replacing Humans with Machines in Modern Warfare [ONLINE]21.5. Ville Kokko (Turku): The Randomness Argument about Indeterminism and Free Will [ONLINE]
Autumn 2020 programme:
4.9. Matti Nikama (Turku): Electoral Promises – Political, Personal, Public, Institutional and Moral {ONLINE}2.10. Erik Åkerlund (Newmaninstitutet Uppsala): Models of Finality: Aristotle, Buridan, Averroes {ONLINE}11.12. (at 11 o’clock!) Arto Laitinen (Tampere) & David Schweikard (Flensburg): Many Realisms in Social Ontology {ONLINE}