

Publications of ReImag, in alphabetical order by title

Almost in Europe? How Finland’s Embarrassing Entry into Eureka Captured Policy Change

A journal article by ReImag associate Dr Veera Mitzner in Contemporary European History, published in June 2016 .

Kekseliäs ja ketterä – Suomen ulkopolitiikan nopeat suunnanmuutokset kylmän sodan päättyessä

An article in Finnish by ReImag Helsinki subproject leader Dr Juhana Aunesluoma and senior researcher Dr Veera Mitzner, published both online and in print in Utopia ulkopolitiikassa, edited by Ville Sinkkonen & Henri Vogt (Ulkoasiainministeriö 2014). A short version was published in November by daily newspaper Turun Sanomat.

Kolmas kylmä sota menneisyyden silmin

An article in Finnish by ReImag senior researcher Dr Veera Mitzner, published online at in May 2014.

New Research on the End of the Cold War and the Collapse of the Soviet Union

An article in Estonian, with an abstract in English by ReImag senior researcher Dr Kaarel Piirimäe, published in Estonian Historical Journal No 2/3 (2014).

Reputation by Committee? Finland’s Committee for International Information, 1988-1990

A journal article by ReImag associate Dr Louis Clerc in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, published in April 2014. The abstract is open access, and Louis has written a short introduction in his blog The ogre of the tale.