Mama mia, sono in Italia! My EC2U adventur-a at the University of Pavia!

Would you like to experience a relatively less-known European city with an amazing university in it, discover a new way of academic thinking, be a part of the mosaic of the European culture, meet new people you will learn from, and acquire new communication skills? Check out the blog to see how you can do all these!

Λanguages with a Дifferent AlΦabet * – It’s not all Greek to me anymore.

Καλή μέρα! Добap Дaн! Bonjour! These greetings are not only in three different languages (Greek, Bosnian and French) but also three different alphabets (Greek, Cyrillic and Latin). If you are interested in different-alphabet languages, think that learning a different alphabet would be a fun experience or just enjoy reading about alphabets and languages, this blog is something for you!

The first few days in Turku – getting about and getting things done (map included!) 

The first few days in Turku can be overwhelming, least not due to the lack of sleep you might have experienced in the process of getting here. Getting your apartment furnished, buying groceries (and not paying a fortune to do so), getting around, and knowing where to get medical care are the first few steps to getting settled in. Here, I have tried to provide you with a handle on the first few days in Turku, with a map to make things just a little bit easier!