Mama mia, sono in Italia! My EC2U adventur-a at the University of Pavia!

Would you like to experience a relatively less-known European city with an amazing university in it, discover a new way of academic thinking, be a part of the mosaic of the European culture, meet new people you will learn from, and acquire new communication skills? Check out the blog to see how you can do all these!

The PhD experience: delving into doctoral studies with Mahdi Moghaddam

One of the current UTUGS candidates, Mahdi Moghaddam, moved to Finland to pursue a PhD in the field of electrochemistry. We sat down with Mahdi to find out what got him interested in his field of research, what is PhD student life at the University of Turku like for him and what kind of things he likes to do when he is not conducting experiments in labs.

Feel the true spirit of Christmas!

You don’t know what Christmas is unless you visit Finland! Dive into the Christmas spirit with Olha Nikolaienko’s post about Finland as a Christmas destination.