The first few days in Turku – getting about and getting things done (map included!) 

The first few days in Turku can be overwhelming, least not due to the lack of sleep you might have experienced in the process of getting here. Getting your apartment furnished, buying groceries (and not paying a fortune to do so), getting around, and knowing where to get medical care are the first few steps to getting settled in. Here, I have tried to provide you with a handle on the first few days in Turku, with a map to make things just a little bit easier!

The PhD experience: delving into doctoral studies with Mahdi Moghaddam

One of the current UTUGS candidates, Mahdi Moghaddam, moved to Finland to pursue a PhD in the field of electrochemistry. We sat down with Mahdi to find out what got him interested in his field of research, what is PhD student life at the University of Turku like for him and what kind of things he likes to do when he is not conducting experiments in labs.

Feel the true spirit of Christmas!

You don’t know what Christmas is unless you visit Finland! Dive into the Christmas spirit with Olha Nikolaienko’s post about Finland as a Christmas destination.

The coziest city in Finland

Why Turku is the coziest city in Finland? Olha Nikolaienko, Master degree student in Education and Learning, will tell you more about the reasons for that.