
Research articles:

Grönman, S. & Lindfors, E. (manuscript). Developing the Learning Process Model in Craft, Design and Technology Education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.

Grönman, S. Lindfors, E. & Ruokonen, I. (manuscript). Teacher-child interaction and child’s learning goal orientation in open-ended learning task – How to support various learners. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.

Grönman, S. Lindfors, E. & Rönkkö, M.-L. (2022). Esiopetusikäisen lapsen tavoiteorientaatio ja ohjausvuorovaikutuksen tarve käsityön oppimisprosessissa [Preschool-aged children’s  achievement goal orientations and teacher-child interaction in a craft, design and technology learning process]. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 11(1), 151178.

Grönman, S., & Lindfors, E. (2021). The Process Models of Design Thinking: A Literature Review and Consideration from the Perspective of Craft, Design and Technology Education. Techne series A, 28(2), 110118. 

Kiviranta, L., Lindfors, E. & Rönkkö, M.-L. (in review). Considerations on outdoor technology education in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quaterly.

Korhonen, T., Kangas, K. & Salonen, L. (in review). Invention pedagogy – Finnish approach to maker education. Routledge.

Korkeaniemi, A., Lindfors, E. & Tanhuanpää, S. (manuscript). Dimensions of Instructional Support in Teacher-Child Interaction in Teaching Young Learners of Programming and Robotics. PATT39.

Korkeaniemi, A., Lindfors, E. & Tanhuanpää, S. (manuscript). Teacher-child interaction in teaching of programming and robotics to young learners.

Lindfors, E. (coming) Finnish innovations in developing knowledge-based and technology enhanced society through education. 10th Annual Education Conference, titled ‘Education and Jobs of the Future: Developing Qualified Human Capital to Secure the UAE’s Progress’ The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR).

Lindfors, E., Rönkkö, M.-L., Kiviranta, L., Yliverronen, V., Tanhuanpää S. & Grönman, S. (2021). Outdoor Learning in Early Childhood Education: A Narrative Review. Techne Series A, 28(2), 156–165.

Porko-Hudd, M., Pöllänen, S. & Lindfors, E. (2018). Common and holistic crafts education in Finland. Techne Series A, 25(3), 26–38. 

Rönkkö, M.-L., Yliverronen, V. & Kangas, K. (2021). Investigative activity in pre-primary technology education: The Power Creatures project. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 26(1), 29–44.

Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Riikonen, S., Sormunen, K., Aurava, R., Mehto, V., Bosch, N., Aljabaly, M. & Kangas, K. (manuscript). Systematic review of maker education.

Ukkonen-Mikkola, T. & Varpanen, J. (2020). Integrated initial and continuing training as a way of developing the professional agency of teachers and student teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 96.

Varpanen, J. (2021). Escaping the dark side of technology via subject-ness: Sustainable technology education and holistic craft. Techne Series A, 28(2), 25–30.

Varpanen, J., Laherto, A., Hilppö, J. & Ukkonen-Mikkola, T. (in review). Orientations of professional agency and the role of technology in teachers’ images of the future. Educational Sciences.

Yliverronen, V., Kangas, K., & Rönkkö, M.-L. (2021). Investigative activities as a basis for integrating pre-primary craft, technology education. Techne Series A, 28(2), 173–180.

Yliverronen, V., Rönkkö, M.-L., Kangas, K. (2021). Learning everyday technologies through playful experimenting and cooperative making in pre-primary education. FormAkademisk, 14(2). 


Book chapters:

Kangas, K., Sormunen, K. & Korhonen, T. (in press). Creative learning with technologies in young students’ STEAM education. In S. Papadakis & M. Kalogiannakis (eds.), STEM, Robotics, Mobile Apps in Early Childhood and Primary Education –Technology to promote teaching and learning. Springer.

Laurell, J., Seitamaa, A., Sormunen, K., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Korhonen, T. & Hakkarainen, K. (2021). A socio-cultural approach to growth-mindset pedagogy. In E. Kuusisto, M. Ubani, P. Nokelainen, & A. Toom (eds.), Good teachers for tomorrow’s schools (p. 296–312). Sense.

Silander, P., Riikonen, S., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. & Hakkarainen K. (in press). Learning computational thinking in phenomenon-based co-creation projects – Perspectives from Finland. In S.C. Kong & H. Abelson (eds.), Computational Thinking Education in K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing. MIT Press.


Conference abstracts:

Kangas, K. (2019). Young students’ learning through making with digital and traditional technologies [conference abstract].