This blog was born out of a need and a revelation. First we stumbled upon a need: it seems that just like the international and global world we study, also what we actually do in the TSE International Business is diverse. Well, that is of course good, we think, however trying to communicate our activities to other people isn’t quite as simple as it would be, if we were involved in studying something more specific – say the left legs of a spider.
So we started thinking, how about we launch a blog, where we try to unveil the many interests and passions of the people here. That way we would have a nice place, to which we could point the curious.
The revelation part emerged from meeting IB scholars from around the world. While we are very active members in the international networks of International Business, we seem to have our own strengths and perspectives, as surely any scholarly unit in any university is prone to have. However, we’re quite proud of our way of looking at and seeing things – not only looking at the variables and quantifiable measurements, but also seeing the processes and the value in trying to uncover the meaning beneath the numbers.
So, we decided to give blogging a shot. To enlighten ourselves about what the person next door is doing (you know how long the distance between neighbouring cubicles can be, right?), and to give you a glimpse of what goes on inside the very different heads our IB consists of.
I should probably end this with the customary litany of how all the opinions expressed here are the individual viewpoints of the people contributing to writing this blog, however I’m sure that as an experienced blog reader in this contemporary world you surely already know that. So instead I’ll just say, welcome to the blog of International Business at TSE!
Milla Wirén
Doctoral Candidate
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