
10 YEARS OF KULTVA anniversary seminar October 10th

10 YEARS OF KULTVA anniversary seminar October 10th


10 lokakuun, 2024    
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Educarium 244, University of Turku
Assistentinkatu 5, Turku, 20500
Karttaa ei ole saatavissa

10 YEARS OF KULTVA anniversary seminar October 10th: The University’s role in creating joy and resistance?

The KULTVA research network will celebrate its 10th anniversary on October 10, 2024! To celebrate the occasion, KULTVA organizes an anniversary seminar:

Time: 10.10.2024, at 13–16

Place: Educarium, 244.1-2, University of Turku (Assistentinkatu 5, 20500 Turku: campus map here)

The updated schedule 

13.00–13.15 Chair of KULTVA: Welcome! 

13.15–14.00 Suvi Salmenniemi & Suvi Keskinen: KULTVA: How it all began 

14.00–14.20 Minna Vigren: Radical pedagogies for imagining alternative futures  

14.20–14.30 Discussion, questions and comments  

14.30–15.00 Break and coffee 

15.00–15.20 Camilla Marucco Al-Mimar: Researchers, activists, humans: the Activist Research Network and my path in human geography 

15.20–15.50 Anaïs Duong-Pedica & Onni Ahvonen: Notes on radical anti-colonial academic praxis 

15.50–16.00 Discussion, questions, and comments 


And don’t forget an afterparty we have planned at Bar Portti from 18.00 onwards! This is open for everyone and does not require registration.  

The program for the afterparty: 

18.30 Panel discussion:  What is the role of unis in creating joy and resistance? 

19.30 Mingle and music!  

Panellists: Elina Sutela (PhD researcher, the chair of KULTVA), Minna Vigren (assistant professor, LUT University) and Camilla Marucco Al-Mimar (Researcher, Migration Institute of Finland). The panel will be chaired by Veera Niemi (PhD researcher, member of KULTA steering group) 

The presentations and panel discussion will be in English. Question and comments in both English and Finnish are encouraged. When needed, the chair will translate the questions and comments.  


KULTVA, kulttuurisen vuorovaikutuksen tutkijaverkosto, täyttää tänä vuonna 10 vuotta! Juhlavuoden kunniaksi KULTVA järjestää 10-vuotisseminaarin:

Aika: 10.10.2024, klo 13–16

Paikka: Educarium, 244.1–2, Turun yliopisto (Assistentinkatu 5, 20500 Turku: kampuskartta tästä)

Tilaisuuden päivitetty ohjelma:

13.00–13.15 Chair of KULTVA: Welcome! 

13.15–14.00 Suvi Salmenniemi & Suvi Keskinen: KULTVA: How it all began 

14.00–14.20 Minna Vigren: Radical pedagogies for imagining alternative futures  

14.20–14.30 Discussion, questions and comments  

14.30–15.00 Break and coffee 

15.00–15.20 Camilla Marucco Al-Mimar: Researchers, activists, humans: the Activist Research Network and my path in human geography 

15.20–15.50 Anaïs Duong-Pedica & Onni Ahvonen: Notes on radical anti-colonial academic praxis 

15.50–16.00 Discussion, questions, and comments 

Muistathan, että seminaarin jälkeen on jatkot Bar Portissa klo 18 alkaen!

Jatkojen ohjelma:

18.30 Paneelikeskustelu:  What is the role of unis in creating joy and resistance? 

19.30 Rentoa keskustelua, yhdessäoloa ja musiikkia!

Panelistit: Elina Sutela (Väitöskirjatutkija, KULTVAn puheenjohtaja), Minna Vigren (apulaisprofessori, LUT University) and Camilla Marucco Al-Mimar (Tutkija, Siirtolaisinstituutti). Paneelia johtaa Veera Niemi (väitöskirjatutkija, KULTVAn johtoryhmän jäsen).

