
New Books and Journals

New Books and Journals


21 toukokuun, 2024    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Publicum 3rd floor coffee room
Assistentinkatu 7, Turku
Karttaa ei ole saatavissa


Welcome to enjoy discussions on scientific journals and a recently published book over drinks and snacks. Meet authors, editors and contributors of the volumes at this relaxed get-together. The event is open for all, including students, staff and everyone else curious about these fresh social science publications. No pre-registration is required, just drop by!

Creative Social Policy: The Collective Emancipation of Human Potential (Edward Elgar 2024)
Johannes Kananen

Innovative and forward-thinking in its approach, this book advocates for the liberation of people’s creative potential through the systematic transformation of work and capital. Providing a detailed account and analysis of current social policy, Johannes Kananen envisions an emancipatory societal development that prioritises fulfilling human need as opposed to the accumulation of private capital.

Creative Social Policy – The Collective Emancipation of Human Potential | Elgar Online: The online content platform for Edward Elgar Publishing


Finnish Journal of Social Research

Annually published peer-reviewed journal focusing on research articles on, and relevant to, Finnish society. Its scope is multi-disciplinary, covering sociology, political science, and economics, as well as the other social sciences.



Janus on Sosiaalipoliittisen yhdistyksen ja Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen seuran julkaisema neljästi vuodessa ilmestyvä tieteellinen aikakauslehti, joka tarjoaa julkaisu- ja keskustelufoorumin sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön alan tutkijoille ja asiantuntijoille. Lehti julkaisee referee-menettelyn läpi käyneitä, tieteellisiä artikkeleita sekä puheenvuoroja ja kirja-arvioita.



The leading journal for sociological research and debate in Finland, published by the Westermarck Society. // Sosiologia on neljästi vuodessa ilmestyvä vertaisarvioitu yhteiskuntatieteellinen aikakauslehti, jota julkaisee Westermarck-seura.



A free, open-access, international, transdisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal that focuses on advancing the goals of degrowth