
The sensible insensible

What is included in this essay was supposed to be in the previous one, but then I opted not to include it. It’s important and related to it, but it would have shifted the focus a bit too much away from the discourse itineraries and materialization of discourses. To summarize what I wrote in the […]


Go Green, Go Organic

In my previous essay I examined how Claude Raffestin approaches landscape in ‘Space, territory, and territoriality’. In it, he (122) compares space, a more fundamental concept than landscape, to books and sand; like books, it can be browsed, flipped through, yet it has no beginning or end. This reminded me of how ‘A Thousand Plateaus: […]


Sg G(T/Ta)

I think I’ve been busy covering rather complex issues lately and this time is no different. However, this time I hope to be short, only looking at one article, like I did early on. From the French circle of geographers relevant to space and landscape, I’ll turning to Claude Raffestin, focusing on his article ‘Space, […]


What’s (a) language anyway?

So far I’ve been looking into landscape research with focus more or less on landscape, the core concept. I’ve briefly touched on language and linguistics in connection to landscape, but unlike with landscape, I haven’t really had a look under the hood. This time I’ll do just that. I’ll start a bit differently from the […]


The Extra Miles

I realize this might be or at least come across as a bit ostentatious, but that said, this time I’m looking at my own text. The text in question is a recent article published in Linguistics and Education. It’s currently in press, so it doesn’t have more specifics to it yet. Anyway, it’s titled ‘The […]


I am the best!

Sometimes change can make a change. Anyway, so, for a change, I’ll address a novel written by Laurent Binet. I happened to read his novel titled ‘La septième fonction du langage’. My copy is the Finnish translation by Lotta Toivanen, titled ‘Kuka murhasi Roland Barthesin?’ (Who murdered Roland Barthes?). The English translation, also published in […]


Back in the day everything was better

My previous essay includes bits from Hannu Linkola’s article titled ‘Administration, Landscape and Authorized Heritage Discourse – Contextualising the Nationally Valuable Landscape Areas of Finland’. It refers to a report by the Finnish Ministry of Environment titled ‘Maisemanhoito. Maisema-aluetyöryhmän mietintö I’, translating to ‘Landscape management. Report I of the working group on landscape areas’, as […]