
Shaken and Stirred

I’m not exactly sure how I ended up reading this, ‘Learning to Translate the Linguistic Landscape’ by David Malinowski, which can be found in ‘Expanding the Linguistic Landscape: Linguistic Diversity, Multimodality and the Use of Space as a Semiotic Resource’. I guess I was rather browsing through it, initially searching for the word ‘landscape’ while […]


Back in the day everything was better

My previous essay includes bits from Hannu Linkola’s article titled ‘Administration, Landscape and Authorized Heritage Discourse – Contextualising the Nationally Valuable Landscape Areas of Finland’. It refers to a report by the Finnish Ministry of Environment titled ‘Maisemanhoito. Maisema-aluetyöryhmän mietintö I’, translating to ‘Landscape management. Report I of the working group on landscape areas’, as […]


Oh, it’s tense!

It was already in my first post in this blog that I pointed out that I started broadening my horizons on all things landscape by picking up the concisely titled ‘Landscape’ by John Wylie. After that I have ventured into various articles that I happen to have found particularly insightful, as well as covered various […]


Getting carded

In his book simply titled ‘Landscape’ John Wylie (117) characterizes understanding of landscape as discussed by David Matless concisely not as a matter of property, but propriety, more specifically “as a matter of conduct and forms of ‘proper’ bodily display and performance.” It is not that the ownership of land and its connection to landscape […]