Althusser – Landscape and Discourse

Hang on, this isn’t structuralism! Or is it?

It took me a couple of weeks to get everything done, even though I only had like 10 pages left to cover. Yeah, I ended up on all kinds of tangents. Anyway, this time I’ll be going through ‘How Do We Recognize Structuralism?’ by Gilles Deleuze. It can be found in ‘Desert Islands and Other […]



This is continuation to the previous essay, in which I focus on stratification. I did my best to avoid mentioning assemblages and abstract machines in that essay. Why? Well, to be clear, they are relevant to stratification, but I thought it would make more sense to discuss that first and then move on to assemblages […]


Talk Idiot Talk: Trump Cards and Asylums of Ignorance

Maybe this time I get to where I’m trying to be at, examining ‘Marxism and the Philosophy of Language’ by Valentin Vološinov. The last time I attempted to tackle this book I got sidetracked by a related matter, how language itself plays a role in how we come to make sense of the world. Perhaps […]


Plug in

If my memory serves me, it’s in ‘Gilles Deleuze from A to Z’, a series of conversations with Claire Parnet, that Deleuze expresses his opposition to schools of thought (see “‘P’ as in Professor” and “‘W’ as in Wittgenstein”). He lists, among others (that we could think of here), Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger and Jacques […]


What’s (a) language anyway?

So far I’ve been looking into landscape research with focus more or less on landscape, the core concept. I’ve briefly touched on language and linguistics in connection to landscape, but unlike with landscape, I haven’t really had a look under the hood. This time I’ll do just that. I’ll start a bit differently from the […]


I am the best!

Sometimes change can make a change. Anyway, so, for a change, I’ll address a novel written by Laurent Binet. I happened to read his novel titled ‘La septième fonction du langage’. My copy is the Finnish translation by Lotta Toivanen, titled ‘Kuka murhasi Roland Barthesin?’ (Who murdered Roland Barthes?). The English translation, also published in […]


Ineeda, uneeda, weallneeda

In this essay I’ll be taking a look at an article first published in ‘Landscape’. The article is not particularly long, only nine pages, as republished in ‘Figuring the Word: Essays on Books, Writing and Visual Poetics’. The article in question is Johanna Drucker’s plainly titled ‘Language in the Landscape’. In this essay I’ll be […]


Faces, landscapes and territories

I wanted to address or attempt to address ‘A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia’ by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari before continuing with the line of thought presented by the combination of Michel Foucault and Deleuze. I don’t know how I fared with my attempt to explain rhizome and multiplicity, in absence of most of […]


Wow, that’s acidic!

My previous post, or rather essay, got sidetracked quite a bit, yet it touched on the issue I wanted to cover, more or less, even though my intention was not to examine passports. Somehow I managed to be unaware of the new expanded edition of ‘Landscape and Englishness’ by David Matless that came out in […]


Getting carded

In his book simply titled ‘Landscape’ John Wylie (117) characterizes understanding of landscape as discussed by David Matless concisely not as a matter of property, but propriety, more specifically “as a matter of conduct and forms of ‘proper’ bodily display and performance.” It is not that the ownership of land and its connection to landscape […]