


The additional abstract calls have ended as of 29th March 2021.


To take the most out of this opportunity of carrying out the first online PATT Conference, we want to enable as many researches, developers and teachers as possible to benefit from attending it and familiarizing themselves with the PATT Community.

Therefore, we are launching two additional abstract calls for giving online presentations in the conference.


The first additional abstract call is to give a presentation alongside our full paper presentations. The full paper process is already closed. However, all accepted participants of this call will have an opportunity to write a full journal article after the conference and submit it to one of our theme issues in international journals. See more information at https://blogit.utu.fi/patt38/en/authors-guidelines/. An abstract should include a description of the subject field, theory, methods and results, as well as how the study corresponds to a larger theme in a maximum of 500 words. Please use this template: https://blogit.utu.fi/patt38/wp-content/uploads/sites/458/2021/03/PATT38_template_abstract_EN.docx and submit your abstract to patt38@utu.fi by 29th March 2021. Based on these abstracts, we are accepting up to 30 presentations. You will get a notification about the acceptance by 1st April 2021.


The second additional abstract call is for a special session dedicated to presentations of research and development projects to promote international projects and collaboration. Sign up for a 20-minute presentation by submitting a freely structured abstract with a maximum of 500 word to patt38@utu.fi by 29th March 2021. The presentation time includes a short discussion. All accepted abstracts will be published online in the conference abstract book. You will get a notification about the acceptance by 1st April 2021.


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