
Good work

This month flew by, that’s for sure. I mainly spent it working on a couple of articles. I also spent tens of hours playing a video game. Oh, and what a treat it was, to just play and play, like … no … not like there’s no tomorrow … but like today is, suddenly, already, […]


Almond Blossoms

It’s been quite a while now, a couple of weeks or so. I haven’t abandoned this, no no, that’s not it. I think I got stuck on a plateau, going all over the place, the highways and the byways. I’ll get to it. Currently it’s a bit on the heavy side, but I’ll see to […]


False, fake, deceptive

Fake this. Fake that. Fake, fake, fake, it’s all fake, even orgasms. If someone tells you otherwise, it’s fake news. As already stated a number of times, seven times to be specific (eight if the title counts), this essay is all about all things fake. The problem with this is, as we’ll come to see, […]


The sensible insensible

What is included in this essay was supposed to be in the previous one, but then I opted not to include it. It’s important and related to it, but it would have shifted the focus a bit too much away from the discourse itineraries and materialization of discourses. To summarize what I wrote in the […]


Oh, it’s tense!

It was already in my first post in this blog that I pointed out that I started broadening my horizons on all things landscape by picking up the concisely titled ‘Landscape’ by John Wylie. After that I have ventured into various articles that I happen to have found particularly insightful, as well as covered various […]


Ineeda, uneeda, weallneeda

In this essay I’ll be taking a look at an article first published in ‘Landscape’. The article is not particularly long, only nine pages, as republished in ‘Figuring the Word: Essays on Books, Writing and Visual Poetics’. The article in question is Johanna Drucker’s plainly titled ‘Language in the Landscape’. In this essay I’ll be […]


Some change could make a change

I’ve been writing long essays on Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It has been quite the effort in thinking and even more so putting it all into words in a way that would help me and others understand what landscape is and what it does. I could just rely on what others […]


From the reserve: dated, not antiquated

Landscape was successfully reintroduced and perhaps more importantly reconceptualized in the 1970s by humanistic geographers who opposed what had marginalized landscape research: the scientific method, more specifically positivism and quantitative methods. In my first post, I pointed out that I started out with Donald Meinig’s ‘The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical Essays’. It stands in […]


For starters

Before moving on to the main course, landscape and discourse, it’s wise to start off with something small. I started working on a PhD a couple years ago, focusing on linguistic landscapes. I opted to do something different, something unexplored for my PhD rather than playing it safe. I didn’t want to end up a […]