Webinar: Oiled Wildlife Response – Methods and Opportunities (31 March 2021, 18:00-20:00 EET)
Welcome to an international OIL SPILL webinar on oiled wildlife response! The event is organized in collaboration with OIL SPILL Associated Organizations Estonian Fund for Nature, Pro Bird Germany and WWF Finland.
Register for the event by the 28th of March HERE. The registered participants will receive a link to the actual event on 29 March 2021.
In this webinar, you will hear about the following topics:
Sascha Regmann (PRO Bird, Germany): Case studies and response options
The presentation will show different case studies of oiled wildlife response in different European countries within the past 20+ years. There will be an overview of lessons learnt as well as an overview of the different possibilities to deal with oiled wildlife effectively and professionally.
Agni Kaldma (Ministry of the Environment, Estonia): The tasks and expertise in the care of oiled animals
When animals get oiled after an oil spill and the decision is made to collect and treat them, a huge load of work starts. The presentation will discuss what are the steps needed to get an oiled bird treated and released back to nature. Also, what knowledge and expertise are needed to get all this work done.
Vanessa Ryan (WWF Finland): Developing oiled wildlife response in Europe
An oil spill may result in thousands of oiled animals, which will place pressure on any countries’ capacity to respond. In this presentation, we will discuss how different stakeholders work together to improve oiled wildlife response planning, advance cooperation between NGOs and authorities in different European countries, pool expert resources, and develop standards for training and accreditation of European oiled wildlife responders.

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